Building teams, churches, communities and facilities.
Growing ministries need growing facilities. Mobile Baptist Builders helps you build cost-effective facilities by donating free construction labor so you can better serve your congregation and community.
How do we help?
Build the Team
We mobilize a large group of construction professionals and volunteers who want to serve God and your church. Our ministry to the team members is always a priority.
Build the Church & Community
We desire to minister to the church as well as the community through personal interactions. We invite the church members and community to join us as we work and worship together. Our goal is that God would be glorified and your community would be encouraged.
Build the Building
We consult with the church and contractors months before the construction week begins. We plan together with your construction team in preparation for a FIVE day construction project. Usually between
100-150 volunteers show up to frame the building, rough-in electrical, install the trusses and the roof all in a weeks time.